Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I be notified of updates on your work?
There are a couple of ways to stay up to date with my work!
1. You can follow me on my social media pages for updates. My Instagram is where I'm most active.
2. You could also sign up for email updates on promotions and shop sales by subscribing below!
2. Do you teach your art techniques?
Yes, I do!
For one on one lessons, you can book with me through my TakeLessons profile by clicking here.
I also have a YouTube channel in the works and the first few videos are already available here.
3. Are your anatomy depictions accurate?
For my medical and scientific illustrations, I aim to be as accurate as possible. For my Anatomy Artwork and Cosmic Bodies, some accuracy may be lost for the sake of creative freedom and to explore more potent visual features.
4. Where can I purchase your artwork?
5. Do you take on commissioned artwork?
You can learn about my commission process and pricing guidelines here.
And you can contact me to get started with your commission needs here.
6. What is Medical Art?
In brief, medical art is art made to contribute to the healthcare field in some way, either through education, communication, or patient validation.
You can learn more from my blog post, "What is Medical Art?"
7. Do you ship internationally?
Currently, we do ship Prints internationally, but Original works can only be shipped within the United States.
You can learn more about our purchasing, shipping, and returns policies by clicking the button below.